Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Word Filled Wednesday - April 29, 2009

Please use the button above for more information about Word Filled Wednesday!

These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. John 16:33

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Tuesday Treasure - April 28, 2009

Special thanks and blessings to Treasia at Truckers Wife for hosting this wonderful post.
Her idea was to share a bit about people or things we hold as treasure in our lives.

Today I hold pieces of a hearing aid in my hand, and I hold these little pieces of circuit and metal as treasure in my heart. My husband is hearing impaired. Although he has a bit of hearing left in one ear, without the aid of this little instrument…he is almost 100% deaf.
Since the moment I met this man I knew that God had created him for me. I felt it in my bones. Most of it was because of the way he loved me, the way he knew me, the way he calmed my soul. But there was another difference, my ability to deal with his disability. I have often found myself waking up in the morning praying that I can be his ears, to listen with patience and kindness, and communicate with great care in return. Unfortunately I can’t always be with him, and this truth is not always easy to cope with, especially when you find pieces of his hearing aid in the mouth of your Dogs.

This morning quickly went from Beautiful to Madness. With great relief his back up hearing aid works, but not to the extent of his newer and better one. The only thing I know to do is pray that God will see us through and provide for us. As God’s Grace would have it, Ryan’s audiologist is my Cousin. It’s going to be a long couple of days before he can fit him in on Friday to get a new impression made for a new hearing aid.

Treasures can be so handy. They can add so much to your life, that sometimes…you only realize their worth when they are gone. Anyone got a Bullhorn??

This is a picture of Ryan on our way in to watch our First Angel Game at Angels Stadium of the Season last Friday night!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Menu Plan Monday - April 27, 2009

Monday: Taylor Tacos

Tuesday: BBQ Chicken, Chicken Flavored Rice, Carrots & Garlic Bread

Wednesday: BBQ Pot Roast, Twice Baked Potatoes, Corn & Garlic Bread

Thursday: Hamberger Helper, Garlic Bread

Friday: Out - Traveling to Weekend to Remember Marriage Retreat

Saturday: Out - Date Night at Weekend to Remember

Sunday: Out - Recovering from Weekend to Remember, lots of laundry and catchup to get ready for the next week.

The Simple Woman's Daybook - April 27, 2009

FOR TODAY... April 27, 2009

Outside my window...Cloudy around 60 degrees today.

I am thinking...about my husband. He had “rough” first week at his new job. The mix of a new company, new people, and new job really had him on edge. I am hoping and praying that this new week will be easier for him.

I am thankful for...the wonderful weekend I had. My mom and I had a Mother-Daughter fun day on Saturday. We went Whale Watching in the Morning with Captain Dave's and his Dophin Safari which was amazing, and then we went to see the ranunculus down at the Flower Fields in Carlsbad, CA. We had a wonderful day enjoying some of Southern California’s beautiful wild life as well as time bonding together. It was a wonderful blessing.

From the kitchen...Still working on my menu plan for the week…I am a bit behind after my busy weekend.

I am wearing...Black Top, Jeans, Black Sandal Heals – Yup..You guessed it…my boss is out again today..While the cats away…the mice…well don’t dress up…LOL

I am creating...well…trying to create something nice to bring with me this weekend to our marriage retreat to give my husband to let him know how special he is to me...any ideas?

I am the market tonight to get food for the week.

I am reading... The Love Dare, Lady of High Regard, and The Excellent Wife. I am excited to start reading The Scarlet Pimpernel and Wives and Daughters starting on May 1st with Emily at A Beautiful Life and her Kindred Spirits Reading Group.

I am hoping...for time to see our new great niece Bella. She is 6 days old today!

I am hearing...lots of conversations about the weekend. Sounds like everyone had a good time!

Around the house... Just the normal, cook, clean, play, sleep, and get up and do it all again! I really like it when our routine works, it’s really comforting.
One of my favorite things...My Terrarium that my friend Sarah made me this weekend. I have a black thumb….she is blessed with a green thumb….It has a little rock path, and five succulent plants. She says I only have to water it every 5 weeks…so hopefully…I won’t kill it! I am looking for some miniatures to go in…I really want little flamingos…or something pink to put in it.

A few plans for the rest of the week: Work Monday thru Friday, then we are off to A Weekend to Remember for a Marriage Retreat in Irvine.
Here is picture thought I am sharing...

My Mom and I getting ready to go on our whale watching adventure.

We didnt see any whales, but we wer right in the middle of 1000+ Common Dolphins...There is nothing common about them!

Mom and I at the Flower Fields.

The beatiuful fields...And people say there isnt a God...

Special Thanks and Blessings to Peggy at The Simple Woman for hosting this post.

Monday, April 20, 2009

The Simple Woman's Daybook - April 20, 2009

FOR TODAY... April 20, 2009
Outside my window...72 Degrees….and its only 8:19 am….It’s going to be a Sunny and Warm day today! I think we might need to get our Super Soakers out.
I am thinking...about my husband. Today is his first day at his new jobs. Lots of prayers for confidence and peace.
I am thankful family and friends. We have had a wonderful weekend of celebrating new beginnings.
From the kitchen…Haystack Cookies for my hubby. They are his favorite.
I am wearing...Black and Teal Top, Jeans (My boss is out of the office today), and black ballet slippers.
I am creating...Decorating/Personalizing a Tote bag.
I am the dentist this morning…I HATE THE DENTIST…which is probably why I have to have a root canal finished today…grrr…grumble grumble…
I am hold my Grand Niece and Nephew this week. Both of my nieces are due over this week.
I am hearing...Lots of talking and grumpiness…It is Monday after all.
Around the house... Spring cleaning is in full force. I have the other half of my baseboards to wash down, and our guest room to clean out on my to do list this week.
One of my favorite matching pretty under garments….there is something totally powerful and feminine about them. Makes everything feel right with the world..LOL
A few plans for the rest of the week: Work, New Babies (In God's time of course), Friday Night Angels Game, Saturday is a Mom and Daughter Day (My Mom and I are going whale watching at Dana Point, and then to see the Ranunculus down in Carlsbad), Sunday is church Fun and Dog Walking with The Furternity.
Here is picture thought I am sharing...
This is my Dad, the King of the Grill! Sunday we enjoyed a day in the high 80's so we had to BBQ up some burgers!
Special thanks and blessings to Peggy at The Simple Woman for hosting this post.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Dancing in the Rain

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...its about learning to dance in the rain" - Unknown.

Boy oh Boy have I been dancing, as the rain pours down around me.

In the almost two years that I have been married to this wonderful man, we have felt the weather change. There have been days of sunshine, and days that felt like tornadoes blew thru our lives. This last few days have been filled with that Erie calm before a storm. Have you felt that before? When two passionate, stubborn, although loving individuals collide like two storm fronts. You know its coming, you can feel the electricity in the air, and only God can stop the momentum.

The thunder clouds erupted into a full down pour yesterday, and flooded into unknown territory. In a terrifying moment we learned that we both were feeling lonely and isolated. I learned quickly the searing sting of allowing time to plan our social lives, our meals, our home, our finances, my job, and all those other little details of life just get in the way of our relationship. In one of the most open and revealing conversation we have had in a really long time, we learned that if we stopped seeking to reconcile to each other, we really will be isolated by our differences. At the end of the night I discovered that my greatest hope for my marriage is that we will get to know each other more, and grow together without the fear of being rejected by one another.

Together with the grace of God, we stood and felt the rain change us, as we began to dance in it!

Today we start a fresh day....I think I can see a rainbow!

Ryan and I from our Easter Egg Fun last weekend.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Simple Woman's Time Journal - April 14, 2009

New Every Morning

Special Thanks and Blessings to Peggy at The Simple Woman for hosting this post.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Menu Plan Monday - April 13, 2009

Tuesday: Meat Loaf, Mashed Potatoes, Carrots and Garlic Bread

Wednesday: Shake and Bake Pork Chops, Mac & Cheese, Homemade Applesauce, Garlic Bread

Thursday: Hamburger Helper Italian Lasagna, Garlic Bread

Friday: Date Night Out

Saturday: Dinner at a friend’s House

Special Thanks to Laura at I'm an Org Junkie for hosting this post.

The Simple Woman's Daybook - April 13, 2009

FOR TODAY... April 13, 2009
Outside my window...Partly Cloudy 54 Degrees

I am thinking...About my Brother and Sister in Law in Tennessee. They moved to TN from California 2 years ago for a great job opportunity for my brother in law. They just happen to live in the town that was hit with Tornados last week. They expect another round of storms today. I pray that God keeps them safe. Tornados vs. Earthquakes….hmmm…

I am thankful for...THE TOMB IS EMPTY!!!

From the kitchen... I am working on my menu plan for this week. I am working diligently on my weight, so we have some changes to make. Visit me here for the Journey… A Caterpillar Dreams

I am wearing... Blue & Black Top, Black Slacks, Black Shoes

I am creating... Still working on another Snuggle Sack for Diesel.

I am the Market tonight to get our groceries for the week.

I am reading... The Excellent Wife by Martha Peace (Its actually an audio book on my Ipod….does that count as reading...LOL) I have 3 books going at home, and two audio books….it kind of feels like I am working on my degree again!

I am be a good helper to my husband this week. He starts his new job next week and he is starting to get a little nervous about it. I pray that God gives me the right words and the right works to help him move forward in confidence and assurance.

I am hearing... Praise songs from Sundays Service, singing silently in my head and heart. Trust me…no one wants to hear them from my lips….I make a wonderful JOYFUL NOISE!!

Around the house...Housework, Playing with Puppies, We got a new comforter set for our bedroom. I think it’s a perfect reason to spring clean and get things back in order.

One of my favorite things... My Wedding Ring. It’s a constant reminder of the good stuff! When I am in the middle of all of the mud and muck of life, it catches my eye and reminds me of God’s wonderful plan in my life, and the Man he made just for me! OH TO BE SO LOVED!!

A few plans for the rest of the week: Work, My niece is singing/playing guitar at a local coffee shop on Thursday or Friday. The Long Beach Aquarium is open for free on Friday nights due to its new Shark Exhibit; I would really like to go visit that. A friend of ours is having a get together to watch a UFC match on Saturday night, I always look forward to hanging with the boys and feel like a lucky girl to be included in the madness. Sunday we have church and a picnic for our “Open Arms” program. The “Open Arms” program is our churches ministry to Orphans. God has placed the call to adopt on Ryan and my hearts! We hope to learn more information on the program and see what our next steps are.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...
This is my Dad with his "Grand Dogs" trying to keep them out of trouble as we finish dyeing Easter Eggs.
Special Thanks and Blessings to The Simple Woman for hosting this blog

Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday Thoughts...

It happens every year.

With great reverence we take a day and ponder the meaning of our Savior's death.

There wasn't any stage make up, there were no actors, there were no stage props.

There wasn't a Judge Judy or a Dr. House to change the fate of God walking the earth as man.

Jesus knew his role in History, he knew the pain, he knew the fear, he knew the truth that would be revealed with his final breath.

What role do you play in the History of Christianity. Can you hear the whispers over the winds of generations of the chosen few who were touched by him, healed by him, used by him for the future of his kingdom?

Can you hear the thoughts of Judas Iscariot, who with a simple kiss betrayed the son of God.

Can you hear Caiaphas the high priest and the Sanhedrin as they debated with great passion and human bureaucracy over the legitimacy of the Anointed One.

And oh...Sweet Tragic Peter, how his courage and conviction fail him. Can you hear his heart crying in disappointment, in human failure?

The scene changes and we move to Pilate, King Herod, and Barabbas. Two men with great power knew that Justice was not defined by punishing the innocent, and a murderer who was given freedom in a moment of great chaos. Can you feel the water on Pilate's hands as he washes himself clean of the crowds decision. Listen as the ropes are cut and Barabbas is allowed to return to freedom.

Can you smell the dusty road, as we find a whipped and beaten Jesus carrying a cross. His torn flesh, his aching muscles, his tortured heart. Can you feel the weight being lifted as Simon of Cyrene takes his cross and joins Christ on the journey to the salvation of our World?

Can you see the tears and turmoil of those closest to the King of Kings. His Mother who loved him from his first breath. Can you feel the heart of Mary Magdalene change as she comes to the realization that her relationship with her savior would never be the same. Do you think she could grasp the meaning of eternity?

And what of the Centurion, and the most famous "Ah Ha" Moment in the history of mankind. Can you hear the truth in his words "Truly this was God's Son!".

Its the beginning of the play for our Salvation. With our eyes and ears open we continue to feel the pain of our dying Lord. With great despair and guilt we hear his cries "Father, they do not know what they do". With great hope for an Eternity spent walking with our Creator, we understand the true significance of his final words... "It is Finished".

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Monday, April 6, 2009

The Simple Woman's Daybook - April 6, 2009

FOR TODAY … April 6, 2009
Outside my window...83 Degrees and SUNNY!! Hello Southern California!!
I am thinking...about the affects hormones can have on my body. My doctor put me on a new pill to deal with some of my “girl problems”. Needless to say it turned me into a crazy woman. I was trying my best to stick to it another month hoping that my body would acclimate to it, but after having what most would call a breakdown yesterday, I have taken myself off. This has been a good kick in the butt for me. No more time for lazyness, I need to get this weight off and get healthy.
I am thankful for...My Husband and the new position he is starting in about two weeks! God is SO FAITHFUL!
From the kitchen... Pork Chops and Mac N Cheese tonight. One of my husbands favoriates.

I am wearing... Black and White Top, Black Slacks, Black shoes
I am creating...Another Puppy Snuggle Sack. Opie is terribly jealous of letting Diesel sleep in his.
I am Fresh and Easy at lunch today to get Salads for lunch this week! Love Fresh and Easy!
I am reading...So many books…I need a weekend to just read!
I am hoping...that I can get back to the gym this week. I have the start of a cold and really hope it doesn’t get worse.
I am hearing...wonderful sounds of a fish tank. It’s the best!
Around the house...Lots of cleaning for Easter this weekend. We are having 15+ people stopping by to dye Easter Eggs on Saturday. This should be a fun time!
One of my favorite things...Sparling Apple Cider – It’s just yummy goodness!
A few plans for the rest of the week: Work, Gym, Cleaning, Good Friday Service, Easter Egg hunt on Saturday AM with our Sunday School class, Easter Egg Dyeing with Family and Friends on Saturday Evening, Easter Sunday Blessings!
Here is picture thought I am sharing...

Diesel Sleeping with his Monkey

Special Thanks to the Peggy at The Simple Woman for hosting this post.

Friday, April 3, 2009

He DID it!! No....HE DID IT!!!

With great excitement I am excited to share that my husband got the job he interviewed for a few weeks ago.
We took a moment last night and reflected on God's Faithfulness in our lives. We know that this is only an option because he opened the door for Ryan to walk thru.
Ryan is excited, but filled with anticipation as he starts to organize the details and looks to a new unknown chapter in his career life.
I continue to pray that God will protect my sweet husband from the wounds of this economy, and the hills and valleys of corporate America.
More than anything I am excited because this may line us up financially for me to stay home and be a house wife and mother when that time comes.
God is so GOOD!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Puppy Snuggle Sacks

Ok...I am crazy about my puppies....
Both of them love to burrow and dig into anything they can.
I saw this idea online and decided to take a shot at it.
Puppy Snuggle Sacks!!

They Love It!

Thought I would share!

Thankful Thursday- April 2, 2009

These last couple of weeks have been so very busy. With our trip to Vegas

My Favoriate Part of our Trip

The reason we went Shaun and Kristine got married!

Going Out!

The Vegas Skyline

and my Husband’s “Birthday Weekend” (got to love the fact that he wanted to spend all weekend celebrating it at dinners with our family and friends to the Billy Joel and Elton John Concert on Monday night)

Jerry's Deli in Costa Mesa

Is this what 31 looks like?

AMAZING Concert!!

my head has been spinning. Stopping to write a few words has been almost unattainable…I sit here feeling impossibly exhausted, a little “spicy” (aka…annoyed, impatient, screaming crazy woman), and wishing for a few more hours of my day.

That’s when I hear it…the soft bubble, pop, and whoosh of the best present I have ever given him…His new aquarium. There is something almost coma inducing about this little piece of water paradise. We affectionately call it the “Schaaf Family Robinson”, although a silly friend has named it “Mount Wannachuckaloogie”.

I am so thankful for our jobs that allow us the financial ability to have such silly things to bring us joy. I feel so blessed to have a God who gives us such beautiful creatures to add great peace to our lives and home. And I am truly grateful for a husband who shares a great passion of mine. I love all things ocean; I really should have been a fish. I felt sheer delight when he mentioned that he thought he might like an aquarium a few months ago. We decided to start with a fresh water tank, and hope to move on to a saltwater tank at some point. I wait with a bit of anticipation to see how long it will take before I end up being the one to clean up the tank.

Watching Ryan and Diesel enjoy the view was truly a serene moment, which makes it all worth it!

Click on this link for more information about Thankful Thursday !