Monday, November 28, 2011

Meet Me on Monday - 11/28/11

1. I really need to clean my.... My House!! We just moved into our new condo/town home this weekend. Boxes, News paper, and chaos...are pretty much everywhere.

2. What food makes you think of Christmas? Pumpkin Bread and these rolled Sugar Cookies we used to make as a kid.

3. If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what would it be? 25 all the way! 

4. What was your first paying job? Dog Bather for a local grooming shop. It was the best job ever!

5. Have you read the twilight series? No, I have not. But I am addicted to the movies. I still havent had the chance to see Breaking Dawn, part one. I am about ready to throw a fit because of it.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Were Moving...

And I'm not happy!

Our Current Landlords couldn't keep up with their mortgage payment...even though we have paid them on time, and our rent is more than their mortgage.

We found out about the foreclosure from the mortgage company via mail...they couldn't even call us.

When we approached them on the matter they told us that they were in the process of  a loan modification.

Then a few days later we were told that they had a verbal agreement with the Lender. All was good.

A month or so later...the letters began again...and then we had a visitor who interacted with our neighbors wondering if we were the owners or renters...

Our neighbors are wonderful...they mentioned the conversation with the unknown probably bank guy in passing.  We assumed based on our previous discussions with the Landlords that we would be working with the lender for a move out date, that they were foreclosing, and that we would have a minimum of 90 days to move out per Obama's new laws.

3 days later we got a call...from our landlords...I texted a reply.. "I'm at work I will call when I get home"

Hours later on November 10th we found a note taped to our door. A 30 day notice...were on a month to month lease...

30 Days = December 10

We are angry...we feel wronged...we have to move between Thanksgiving and Christmas....Oh...did I mention that we expecting  35 people this year for Thanksgiving at my parents house and I'm expected to Bake 2 pies and a cake.

We found a place...we fell in love...we put our application in..they choose someone else..

We found another place today...we are in serious like...we put out application in...Pray for us..

Were Packing....and I'm not Happy!!!

Sorry for the negative tone...I know God is in control. I know he something wonderful in mind...I just need to be mad for a while...or at least that's what Ryan says...

Loving on my Husband - Fun with Mirrors

Ryan had a big meeting at work earlier this week.  He was a little hyped up about it. I wanted to make sure he left the house feeling loved, wanted, confident, and excited for the day!

I took that terrible color of red lip liner that I never wear...and had some fun with Mirrors.

Pray, Count to Ten, Keep your head up, Smile

Greatness!! Its what your were made for Sweet Cheeks!

You will do great!

Lets here is for the boy!! Lets hear it for my Man!! - Its was a footloose moment...Makes me smile!
Love of your Men Ladies...its good stuff!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Double Date Fun - Friday Night Fright at Heritage Hill

In my hunt for fun and low cost options for Date Night Ideas, I have found a gold mine in reseraching city and local events at state parks near our home.
Check out your local newspapers, city websites, and radio stations for fun events.

 Our city has a Historical Site called Heritage Hill.  They have an annual Halloween Haunt Event.
For $5 bucks each we spent the evening with our Dear Friends enjoying the festivities.
Scary School House Maze, A Dance Troope dancing "Thriller" and lots of Laughs and Fun!
Carnival Games and Charactictures

Blog Bash Welcome

Joining in on the Blog Bash Fun!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Goosebumps versus Godbumps

1. 3 Ladies in my Bible Study Circle – Are Adoptive Mom’s – Gives me Goosebumps – I love that I have women so close to me that have walked the journey I’m on…but its Bible study..and us Christian folk are called to I find myself wonderfully thankful but not totally surprised.

2. 1 lady in my Bible Study Circle – Was Adopted – Gives me Goosebumps – I love that I have the opportunity to see the blessing that Adoption can be in someone’s life, but again..not totally surprised due to the setting I met her in.

3. Phone Agent making appointments for our Live Scan Fingerprinting first call – Was Adopted 29 years ago – Gives me Godbumps.

4. Talking with Same Phone Agent coincidentally on a Second Call (out of 100 other Reps) - Gives me even bigger Godbumps

How do I define Godbumps – Those rare moments when you get goosebumps and shiver because you knew for a few brief moments that you could see the hand of your creator, and actually feel his warmth.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

"Live what you Believe in"

I was reading a favorite blog today, and these words struck my heart "Live what you Believe In"....

They make my heart race, they make me excited. They are a bold command, one that feels Biblically driven, and Humanly Possible.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Menu Plan Monday 10/3/11

Monday - Pork Chops, Mac N Cheese, Cornbread
Tuesday - Out - Bible Study
Wednesday - Taylor Tacos
Thursday - Hamburger Helper, Garlic Bread
Friday - Out - Date Night
Saturday - Out - Oktoberfest
Sunday - Meat Loaf, Mashed Potato Casserole, Corn, Croissants, with Homemade Oatmeal Cookies and Milk for Dessert

October 31 Day Photo Challenge - Day 1 - Fall

Nothing like a Beautiful Southern California Orange Sunset to remind me of the Changing Seasons.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Thursday, September 22, 2011


I pray for signs alot these days. I find myself longing for God to make himself known.

I pray for signs for my friends and loved ones. I ask for things like open doors, and  beautiful sunrises, and gifts of friendship.

I want them to know the God I know, and to feel his peace and comfort during difficult times.

I long for them to feel the hope and encouragement of their creator, to understand that they truly are not alone.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Adoption Paperwork...First Pass complete and mailed

At first glance the paperwork involved was pretty overwhelming.