Friday, January 17, 2014

1/17/14 CY365 One Little Word Rest

We had wild date night plans. Our house is near the Golf N Stuff that was made famous in the first Karate Kid movie. The Golf N Stuff is also down the street from Bob's Big Boy, a favorite Burger joint.

We were going to have the Ultimate Karate Kid Date Night. I know…AMAZEBALLS…as Ryan is keen on saying these days! Until I got sick two weeks ago, and the plague continued.  Needless to say when our Date Night rolled around I had a diagnosed sinus infection, and was not quite in the mood to play a round of miniature golf.

We were able to make it to Bob's for dinner, and there was a crazy car show going on! I caught myself keeping an eye out for Vin Diesel, in case he made an appearance. A girl can dream.  We enjoyed burgers and soda, and of course Ryan had a hot fudge cake for dessert.

I am so thankful for this Unstoppable Man, and his willingness to slow down, and let me Rest for our Datenight!

Check out my Introduction to Capture Your 365 and One Little Word here.

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