Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thankful Thursday - February 26, 2009

This week I am thankful for the beginning signs of Spring.

This years changes have not only been in the blooming flowers in my little plot of dirt, but also in so many other areas of our lives.
My husband and I have recently started working on our relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. This change has brought a sense of peace and comfort to both our marriage and the relationships we nurture with the people God brings into our lives. Most recently bridge building has begun to bridge a gap in our family.

We have also put a priority with getting healthy, losing some weight, and maintaining lifestyle choices that we feel will be positive to our futures.

Each new bloom that blossoms in or around our home is a constant reminder of the blessing that comes with allowing God to take the reigns in our lives as we wait patiently for his perfect time!

1 comment:

  1. you can do it girlfriend, I'm cheering you on
