Friday, July 6, 2012

Friday's Letter

Dear Mr. Schaaf, Tad, Chris, you guys have added so much laughter and good times to my life. Don’t change, Ever!
Dear Lisa B, I am so happy you we got to celebrate sharing another year of life together as friends!! You are such a special Lady in my world!!

Dear Story Teller Restaurant at Disneyland, what fun we had enjoying your surroundings for my Sweet Aunt Nancy’s Birthday.
Your food is pretty terrible, and it’s a even worse value, but we loved making her Happy, so Thanks!!
Dear Mom and Dad, Thank you for sharing the 4thof July with us! We had a most wonderful time and felt so Loved!!

Dear Opie, You are the sweetest Laziest dog in the World, and I love every inch of you, even your death breath!!
Dear sparkler Fireworks, You are so pretty and Fun! I enjoyed our time together so much…Next year…might I ask that you don’t Burn my fingers…


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