Thursday, October 17, 2013

31 days in Anticipation of Expecting - Questions That Need Answers - Day 17

I have a lot of Questions, Questions that I don’t have good answers for.

As I focus on making healthy changes, I grapple with some hard questions. These Questions hurt my heart and squeeze my soul.  They are hard Questions, questions that I want answers for.
I have spent much of the last few years submissively waiting for answers. I know God will answer, but his timing rarely fits into my wants.   This waiting without action has made me sluggish.  As I have watched others take action on the things they are passionate about, I found myself sitting back, praying on occasion, and giving into the little voice in my head that told me I wasn't good enough, or strong enough, or loved enough to get an answer.

As I spend more time in the word, with my sisters in Christ, and in constant prayer, my Lord has started to answer the questions I ponder.

What happens if I never conceive a child?
I am still precious to my Lord. I am still of worth to my Husband. I am still loved by my family and friends. Nevertheless I still need to be as healthy as I can be, so that we can adopt a child.

What happens if we never adopt a child?
I am still precious to my Lord. I am still of worth to my Husband. I am still loved by my family and friends. Nevertheless I still need to be as healthy as I can be, so that I can be a wonderful wife and lover of people and servant of God.

What happens if we don’t have children?
I am still precious to my Lord. I am still of worth to my Husband. I am still loved by my family and friends.

My Questions come from my fears. Fear that I will not be enough, that I will be alone, and that I have failed.  But these answers, these precious answers from my heavenly father, they console my heart and I find comfort in his truth.

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